My name is Jake.

My guestbook!

Jake on 2020-12-04,10:35:11 said:


Jim on 2020-12-17,02:49:57 said:

Jake, Your site is an inspiration to us all. I must say I appreciate the time and effort you have put into this wonderful achievement. You are a shining example of what I hope the future to be. -Jim

Jake on 2020-12-17,19:16:21 said:

Jim, Thank you for your kind words, it really made my day! 💙

lilibyte on 2020-12-25,17:55:55 said:

Merry Christmas! Lovely site. :)

Shepard on 2021-01-19,02:19:10 said:


Ooooooorgh on 2021-01-20,17:02:09 said:

Yo yo yo

Grafo Volaverunt on 2021-02-04,05:12:43 said:

Great website man, keep with it! :D

Jake on 2021-02-05,23:31:15 said:

Thank you, Grafo! I really enjoyed your music, I hope you put more out!

Miranda on 2021-02-12,23:43:04 said:

Come shitpost at

Jake on 2021-02-14,05:08:18 said:

No, I don't want to

Toeb on 2021-03-01,01:51:35 said:

Cool website! Currently working on my own site and this inspired me!

Jake on 2021-03-01,01:52:09 said:

Kek, thank you for finding the bug Toeb! I hope your website works out!

intercourse haver on 2021-03-01,20:00:54 said:

I want to sniff your feet

Jake on 2021-03-03,02:27:17 said:

That is a little weird, Mr. haver

kristakqo on 2021-03-24,08:42:17 said:

Hello, your website is really cool!

kaletaa on 2021-03-26,17:13:19 said:


MrExtropy on 2021-03-27,03:30:51 said:

Stumbled across your site via the RMS support page. Just wanted to drop in and say hi!

Jake on 2021-03-27,03:32:27 said:

all these new frens! so happy! 😀

jesus on 2021-03-28,16:10:46 said:

love the way you designed this website , i can tell you really put your mind and soul into it. wish there were more personal sites out there btw your onion isnt working (for me) , might wanna check that out :p

Jake on 2021-03-28,17:59:34 said:

Thanks for letting me know about that, Jesus! I'll take a look soon. EDIT (owner privilege): now accessible via tor... again :)

jesus on 2021-03-29,19:56:21 said:

Jesus here, thanks man! I, Jesus Christ, bless this onion!

Jake on 2021-03-30,10:18:05 said:

Thank you Jesus, blessed art thou. I shall cherish the onion forever!

faggot on 2021-04-14,11:56:34 said:


Ted on 2021-04-21,08:18:18 said:

The cursor is really cute l0l :P

fuhhhhh on 2021-04-22,05:54:01 said:

Best internet web site

Gentoo on 2021-04-22,05:56:58 said:

Install Gentoo

Kill-Animals on 2021-04-22,17:59:42 said:

Hey. Tejr from #sqt, from /g/ -- /sqt/ showed us this website. Most of your takes are pretty based, except that I liked Berserk 3D, and thought that the people complaining about it were being gay, and not taking into consideration the cost of creating an anime. Those same people, "TheAlmightlyLoli" are also quick to say how much they love Ghost In The Shell 2045, which is also 3D. Stop being so hard on Berserk 3D.

Jake on 2021-04-23,03:03:39 said:

Greetings, Tejr from #sqt! (I will join the irc later tomorrow) I will admit it: I only watched 1 episode of Berserk 3D before throwing in the towel. The art style completely changed and I was unaware of its history at the time, meaning I went from watching 2D straight to 3D which annoyed me greatly. I will actually finish watching the 3D version now, one day if I ever have time. You will be pleased to know that I have changed my list accordingly. I have never watched Ghost In The Shell 2045, so I cannot comment on that. Random internet images show that it is very 3D and not masquerading as 2D or trying to replace 2D, so I have a feeling it will be okay. I don't hate 3D just because it is 3D, I hate it because it often correlates with low quality/extremely rushed effort. I have Rakuen Tsuihou on my 'decent' list even though that itself is a 3D movie. I will place Ghost In The Shell 2045 on my list of 'things to watch one day'.

Jack on 2021-05-01,02:07:41 said:

cute banners

deavmi on 2021-05-02,13:22:07 said:

Very nice and based site. Come join us on #BNET! http://deavmi.i2p for more info.

Anonymous on 2021-05-06,18:45:38 said:

Good day Jake! Thank you for signing a petition in support of Richard Stallman. And, what a beautiful website... ;-) On behalf of 3mdeb I invite you to a fresh "vBeer v2" event! Let's discuss the open/libre firmware/hardware and other nice embedded things you have in mind. To join us go to on 7th May at 3PM UTC

thealchemist on 2021-05-07,19:10:48 said:

based taste

Jake on 2021-05-08,10:44:34 said:

hello friends! Jack: thank you, I spent more time on them than I should've. deavmi: I joined a BNET server and joined #General but it didn't seem like there were any users... Anonymous: Unfortunately that time schedule conflicted :( maybe next time! thealchemist: thank you! I hope you put out a lot of articles! Please consider adding an RSS feed when you have time, as they help me centralize peoples' blogs in one place (newsboat).

toast on 2021-05-24,18:48:42 said:

found this site on lainchan, looks really based, glad i came across it :]

Jake on 2021-05-24,19:53:04 said:

hell0! thank you for dropping by! :)

FatCat on 2021-05-29,17:26:47 said:

Greetings. Nice. But the pedo bear is too big. You don't recommend Dr. Stone in your anime section :O ? Found this site by visiting fr0st's diary (which I read fully). Read most of the stuff shown here because I have too much time. Ye. Bye.

Jake on 2021-05-29,17:49:56 said:

FatCat pls, it is a gondola! Not pedrobear! Thank you for suggesting Dr. Stone, I have placed this on my watch-list. If you have direct contact with fr0st please ask him to add an rss feed :) Thank you for dropping by!

WebsiteEnjoyer on 2021-06-13,11:49:19 said:

I like the lil' gondola cursor, it's cute.

jake on 2021-06-18,10:49:54 said:


Garrus on 2021-06-22,01:09:09 said:

Cool redesign

Garrus on 2021-06-22,04:44:41 said:

I think it's overall more readable.. The borger is cool too

Bobylein on 2021-06-23,23:51:09 said:

Hey Jake, your site brings back memories to the good'ol'web before everything got streamlined and freaked, I love the wanky burger cursor and your game list is S+

Bobylein on 2021-06-24,00:02:48 said:

PS: Your political opinions are pretty cringe but I love the nerd stuff

Jake on 2021-06-29,01:38:07 said:

Hey guys! Thanks for dropping by!

thinking of jakes thoughts on 2021-07-19,21:57:45 said:

just letting u know that im in a win 2000 virtual machine , pretty cool that this wercs :p

Jake on 2021-07-20,01:50:09 said:

Hey! I am not surprised that my humble domain works... hmm actually I do use HTMLv5 stuff. Actually, now I am kind of baffled. Well, at any rate, most of the 'hard work' is done server side so that does not surprise me that much! If there is one thing that I actually sort of expect to break, it would be the animated borgor cursor.

doomdalek on 2021-07-22,12:25:38 said:

Jake, watch Azumanga Daioh

Jake on 2021-07-22,20:31:45 said:


Jake on 2021-07-24,02:05:24 said:

Thanks for recommending it, its pretty good so far

Immergemauw on 2021-08-31,15:34:41 said:

i remember when i first visited that i couldnt figure out the damn captcha 😠

Jake on 2021-08-31,15:58:28 said:

Immergemauw, I guess you couldn't... thoughts it out hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaha

Vinnie on 2021-09-05,12:24:13 said:

Great site layout! Keep it up!

Jake on 2021-09-05,18:04:04 said:

Vinnie, thank you! Thanks for visiting!

Jake on 2021-09-12,05:01:16 said:

*sips* mmmm monsta

Random Name on 2021-10-21,20:07:45 said:

Nice website running on BSD!!

Random Name on 2021-10-22,10:51:51 said:

Also, 2021-10-21 is a nice date isn't it?

Jake on 2021-10-22,18:16:29 said:

Hello! Yeah is an interesting looking date for certain. This site is running FreeBSD, you are correct!

Jake on 2021-10-31,13:25:04 said:

this is spooky 👀

Jake on 2021-11-12,03:47:48 said:

Dark theme just inverts the color huh?

hi hi hi on 2021-11-13,01:45:22 said:

hello i find page i like page page thank you

Jake on 2021-11-13,02:02:00 said:

hello there! I am glad that you like it!

axel on 2021-12-03,00:57:58 said:

sup what is everyone doing lol also how can i find more deep and dark web stuff so far all i can find is stuff on exavator and hosonstly most stuffs a dead end

Jake on 2021-12-03,01:07:38 said:

Hey axel, I legitimately don't have an answer for you sorry lol. maybe nerds on nanochan can help idk

Jake on 2021-12-23,10:58:58 said:

%E3%80%80 %E3%80%80 %E3%80%80 %E3%80%80 %E3%80%80 %EF%BC%BF%EF%BC%BF %E3%80%80%E3%80%80%E3%80%80%E3%80%80%E3%80%80%EF%BC%8F%EF%BC%9E%E3%80%80%E3%80%80%E3%83%95 %E3%80%80%E3%80%80%E3%80%80%E3%80%80%E3%80%80| %E3%80%80.%E3%80%80 . l %E3%80%80 %E3%80%80%E3%80%80%E3%80%80%EF%BC%8F` %E3%83%9F%EF%BC%BFx%E3%83%8E miao %E3%80%80%E3%80%80 %E3%80%80 /%E3%80%80%E3%80%80%E3%80%80 %E3%80%80 \ %E3%80%80%E3%80%80%E3%80%80/ %E3%80%80 %E3%83%BD%E3%80%80%E3%80%80 ) %E3%80%80 %E3%80%80 %E2%94%82%E3%80%80%E3%80%80|%E3%80%80|%E3%80%80 %EF%BE%89 %E3%80%80%EF%BC%8F%EF%BF%A3|%E3%80%80%E3%80%80 |%E3%80%80|%E3%80%80| %E3%80%80| (%EF%BF%A3%E3%83%BD%EF%BC%BF%E3%83%BD)__) )%E3%80%80 ~~,=,^> fugg %E3%80%80%EF%BC%BC%E4%BA%8C%E3%81%A4

Jake on 2021-12-23,10:59:17 said:


Reika on 2021-12-28,19:40:47 said:

Hi Jake. Have you tried Touhou? The music is wonderful, and coupled with the beautiful bullet hell patterns will make your eyes and ears widen with awe.

Jake on 2021-12-28,20:57:16 said:

Hello Reika. I have tried Touhou. Unfortunately, I am abysmal with bullet hell games so when it starts to get interesting I always loose :( The music is great, yes

Jake on 2021-12-29,03:36:18 said:

Actually after replaying one of the games it seems there is a continue which resets your score so loosing is impossible unless you quit which I must have when I lost all my lives

Jake on 2021-12-30,22:42:23 said:

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil only has 3 continues

Wrex on 2022-01-02,00:47:10 said:

I was also part of Mewch imageboard.

Jake on 2022-01-03,20:56:27 said:

I miss it

bruhmun on 2022-01-04,14:25:43 said:

BRUH its not xmas anymore!

Jake on 2022-01-04,21:43:51 said:

It's christmas in my heart 💙

evergreen on 2022-01-15,05:40:56 said:

thanks for the comment on my guestbook. cool site and i like your self portrait :)

victor on 2022-01-27,13:24:03 said:

Nice site! From Russia with love! ;-)

Jake on 2022-01-29,08:27:45 said:

evergreen: thanks for visiting! victor: welcome!

Jake on 2022-02-03,13:02:04 said:

mostly back in business :)

VisitorWhoever on 2022-02-06,06:21:42 said:

Nice Eepsite. This is what websites should look like. Websites should accessible without censorship, login, even without Javascript. I hope more developers can realize that the Web is becoming more difficult to access when the web pages render are more depends on JS.

Jake on 2022-02-06,15:29:18 said:

HellO! thanks for visiting! I am not against Javascript but how it is used it truly a sad state of affairs. Shocking opinion, I know, Javascript CAN be good, as I show on one of my tests. I am a big fan of CGI generation.

Perl on 2022-02-12,07:36:35 said:

ok, random nickname should work again. embarrassing

Vladimir Putin on 2022-03-13,12:41:02 said:


veva on 2022-04-03,20:37:28 said:

hi idk how i got here its a nice site tho. i love the lil twinkly stars and the Gondola

smorgas on 2022-04-07,12:17:52 said:

omg hai jake :3

jake on 2022-06-03,08:07:54 said:

Just realized my tests are html'ed incorrectly. oops

Some ramdom dude on irc on 2022-07-06,07:40:36 said:

I wonder how your website is setup, not the html but the server side of things like - os you run - web server - those weird .shtml files you have - do you use ansible or do you manually install it - is it self hosted or is it a vps - how are you paying for domains - and possibly something importent i missed? I know i could check some of these things my self but there are ways to obfuscate them for instance whois privacy and nginx mirror/cache, i would love a blog post about this if you dont mind.

deezer on 2022-07-06,17:13:18 said:

Nice website

James on 2022-07-08,08:35:57 said:

Cool website!

Jake on 2022-07-09,13:52:36 said:

Some ramdom dude on irc, I made a post for you deezer, James, thanks!

Aqua on 2022-08-16,07:31:28 said:

I would like some videos. Nevertheless a great site.

please on 2022-12-28,18:12:25 said:

how2get gf

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